Government of India has revised MSP prices for
Medium staple cotton from Rs. 2800/ qtl to Rs. 3600/ qtl and for
Long staple cotton from Rs. 3300/ qtl to Rs. 3900/ qtl for cotton season 2012-13.
The Cotton Advisory Board has estimated cotton production in the country at 334 lac bales, consumption at 260 lac bales and an exportable surplus at 70 lac bales. Although domestic consumption is showing increasing trends, the sharp decline in global trade and increase in world stocks have imposed a downward stress on cotton prices, which is reflected in Indian cotton markets also. Domestic prices have touched MSP levels in some places of the State of Andhra Pradesh and are close to MSP levels in Maharashtra, Punjab, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh.
Cotton Corporation of India will operate 20 procurement centers in Punjab, 14 procurement centers in Haryana, 28 procurement centers in Rajasthan, 47 procurement centers in Gujarat, 55 procurement centers in Maharashtra, 17 procurement centers in Andhra Pradesh, 13 procurement centers in Karnataka and 7 procurement centers in Orissa. The criteria for selection of a procurement center include expected arrivals of 50,000 quintals, existence of a functional market yard, availability of a weighbridge in the market yard, availability of ginning and pressing factories and availability of fire fighting facilities. Three procurement centres have already become operationalised in Andhra Pradesh.
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