Saturday, 5 January 2013

Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation in the Year -2012

Major Achievements of Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation in the Year -2012

National Sample Survey Office (NSSO)

The National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) under the Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation is responsible for carrying out surveys on socio-economic aspects of Indian Economy by collecting data from households and enterprises located in villages and in the towns with a view to update data base for sound planning for development and administrative decisions. Towards this end and objective of the organization, the major achievements during 2012 are as follows:

Survey undertaken/ launched:

(i) The field work of two sub-rounds of NSS 68th round on Household Consumer Expenditure & Employment and Unemployment was completed during the year and the field work for NSS 69th round, a six month duration survey, on Drinking Water, Sanitation & Hygiene and Housing Conditions (including slums)started in July 2012 and now has been completed.

(ii) Agricultural Statistics Survey on Sample check on area enumeration and supervision of crop cutting experiments under the scheme for ‘Improvement of Crop Statistics (ICS)’ for the agricultural years 2011-12 and 2012-13. While the Survey for 2011-12 is completed, the Survey for 2012-13 will continue up to June 2013.

(iii) Regular price collection surveys in rural areas for compilation of Consumer Price Indices for Rural and Agricultural Labour by Labour Bureau and in urban areas for Consumer Price Index (Urban) by Central Statistics Office (CSO).

(iv) Assistance to Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion (DIPP) in collection of wholesale prices from selected units/ factories for compilation of Wholesale Price Index.

(v) The data collection work of Annual Survey of Industries for 2010-11 and 2011-12.

New initiatives undertaken:

(i) All India Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS) is in progress in 3 States viz, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh and Orissa. The primary objective of the survey is to measure the dynamics in labour force

participation and employment status in the short time interval of 3 months.

(ii) Experimentation of use of Hand-held devices / gadgets for data collection in the socio-economic surveys in the field.

(iii) Use of RDBMS system of data processing.

(iv) Data entry at field level in NSS 68th and 69th rounds in the states of Goa, Jammu & Kashmir, Sikkim and Puducherry.

Reports released:

( i) 96th issue of the NSSO Journal ‘Sarvekshana’.

(ii) Reports/ Results based on NSS rounds:

NSS 66th Round:

(a) Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India

(b) Nutritional Intake in India

(c) Household consumption of various goods and services in India

(d) Energy Sources of Indian Households for Cooking and Lighting

(e) Employment and Unemployment Situation Among Social Groups in India

(f) Household Consumer Expenditure Across Socio-Economic Groups (g) Home based workers in India

NSS 67th Round:

(a) Key Results of Survey on Unincorporated Non-Agricultural Enterprises (Excluding Construction) in India

(b) Operational characteristics of Unincorporated Non-agricultural Enterprises (Excluding Construction) in India

NSS 68th Round:

(a) Provisional Results of Household Consumer Expenditure Survey, NSS 68th round (July 20011 - June 2012)

Social Statistics Division

The Social Statistics Division released five publications namely, Manual on Disability Statistics, Manual on Labour Statistics (I), SAARC Social Charter-India Country Report 2012, Women and Men in India 2012, Children in India 2012 – A Statistical Appraisal.

The Ministry has constituted two national awards viz, Prof.C.R.Rao award for young Statistician and Prof.P.V.Sukhatme award for life time achievement in Statistics for Indian national in alternate years. In 2012, Prof.P.V. Sukhatme award was jointly awarded to Prof.S.P.Mukherjee, ex Professor, Calcutta University and Prof.Jayant Vinayak Deshpande ex Professor, Pune University. The award carries a prize money of Rs.5 lakhs, a citation and a momento.

National Accounts Division

Technical achievements

• The Central Statistics Office (CSO) released a press note on Quick Estimates (now called 1st Revised Estimates) of National Income, Consumption Expenditure, Savings and Capital Formation for 2010-11 on 31.01.2012 and Revised Estimates (now called Provisional Estimates) of National Income for 2011-12 on 31.05.2012.

• The GDP at factor cost at constant (2004-05) prices in 2011-12 registered a growth rate of 6.5 %.

• The GDP at current prices for the year 2011-12 is estimated at Rs.82,32,652 crore, while the Net National Income is estimated at Rs.72,84,523 crore. The Per Capita Income during 2011-12 at current prices is estimated at Rs. 60,603/-.

• The Gross Saving Rate at current prices is estimated at 32.3% of GDP at market prices in 2010-11, as against the saving rate of 33.8% in 2009-10.

• The rate of Gross Capital Formation has also reached a high level of 35.1% in 2010-11.

• Quarterly GDP at factor cost at constant (2004-05) prices for Q1 of 2012-13 is estimated at Rs. 13,06,276 crore, as against Rs. 12,38,738 crore in Q1 of 2011-12, showing a growth rate of 5.5 per cent over the corresponding quarter of previous year.

• Quarterly GDP at factor cost at constant (2004-05) prices for Q2 of 2011-12 is estimated at Rs.12,93,922 crore as against Rs.12,28,982 crore in Q2 of 2010-11, showing a growth rate of 5.3 per cent over the corresponding quarter of previous year.

• The growth during H1 (April-September) for the year 2012-13 at constant prices is estimated at 5.4% over the corresponding previous half year.

• Population segment specific Consumer Price Index (CPI) numbers do not reflect true picture of the price behaviors in the country. To overcome the above, the Central Statistics Office (CSO), Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation had introduced a new series of Consumer Price Indices (CPI) for all-India and States/UTs separately from rural, urban and combined (rural plus urban) for the purpose of intra temporal price comparison with effect from January, 2011 with 2010 as the base year. These new monthly indices are compiled at State/UT and all-India levels. The annual inflation rates based on this CPI series are available since January 2012.

• Report on “Non Profit Institutions in India – A Profile and Satellite Accounts in the framework of System of National Accounts” was released based on the information collected from more than 4.5 lakh Non-Profit Institutions of the country.

• Two publications – National Accounts Statistics, Back Series and National Accounts Statistics, Sources & Methods – were released giving time series estimates on the new base year, 2004-05, and the methodology used in the New Series of National Accounts.

• The Input Output Transaction Tables, giving the input structures and final demand patterns of the economy, have been compiled by this Division for the year 2007-08, and are available on the website of MOSPI.

Meetings & Workshops

• One Meeting of the Advisory Committee on National Accounts Statistics which deliberates and advises on the methodological aspect of compilation of “National Accounts Statistics”, was held on October 8, 2012.

• Regional workshops for training of the State personnel in compilation of “State Domestic Product and other related aggregates” have been organized in conjunction with the State Directorate of Economics and Statistics at Jaipur, Srinagar, Gangtok, Gandhinagar, Kochi and Shantiniketan (in West Bengal) during the months of August to December, 2012.

• The 4th OECD World Forum on Statistics, Knowledge and Policy under the theme “Measuring Well-Being for Development and Policy Making” was organized during October 16-19, 2012 in Delhi.

MPLAD Scheme

• Objective: The Member of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme (MPLADS) was launched in December, 1993 to provide a mechanism for the Members of Parliament to recommend works of developmental nature for creation of durable community assets and for provision of basic facilities based on locally felt needs. The annual MPLADS funds entitlement per MP under the scheme has been enhanced from Rs.2 crore to Rs.5 crore w.e.f. 2011-12.

• Nauture of the Scheme:

under the scheme funds are released in the form of Grant-in-aid as Special Central Assistance directly to the Districts. The Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation has prescribed a set of guidelines for implementation and monitoring of the scheme. The guidelines are revised from time to time to make it more responsive to the local needs without compromising the basic principles of the scheme. The Guidelines of November, 2005 have been revised and the revised guidelines have been issued in August, 2012. As many as reform circulars on guidelines have been issued in this year till date.

• Impact: With a view to assess the implementation of the scheme for mid-course correction, a mechanism of physical monitoring of MPLADS works in selected Districts by an independent Institution has been put in place. Third party monitoring of MPLADS works in 208 Districts have been completed during the period 2007 to 2011 by NABCONS. Currently third party physical monitoring has been assigned to M/s AFC Ltd. And is underway in 100 Districts.

• Physical and Financial Progress of the Scheme since inception:

• Rs. 26960.25 crore has been released (including release of Rs. 1962 crore up to 30.11.2012 during the financial year 2012-13 since inception of the Scheme. As reported by the Districts, an expenditure of Rs. 24070.88 has been incurred under the Scheme. The percentage utilization over release of 89.28

• So far 13,87,151 works have been sanctioned and 12,382,87 works been completed. Percentage of works completed to sanction is 89.27.

Coordination and Publication (CAP)

• For Five year Plan 2012-17, the Ministry has been allocated Rs. 3709 crores excluding Member of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme (MPLADS).

• Under India Statistical Strengthening Project (ISSP), Ministry has signed MOUs with 13 States and released Rs. 130.86 crores.

• An MOU was signed with EURO STAT for statistical cooperation.

Infrastructure & Project Monitoring Division (IPMD)

1. The Infrastructure & Project Monitoring Division (IPMD) monitors the implementation of Central Sector Projects (costing Rs. 150 crore and above) in 14 Infrastructure Sectors as well as the performance of 11 key infrastructure sectors.

2. As per the latest Report for the month of September, 2012 there are 566 such ongoing Central Sector Projects (costing Rs. 150 crore and above whose original cost of implementation was about Rs. 7,90,572.38 crore and anticipated completion cost likely to be Rs.9,23,573.57 crore. This reflects a cost overrun of 16.8%. 46.5% of the Projects i.e. 263 Projects are delayed, with the average time overrun being about 17.3 months for all projects and 37.1 months for the delayed project.

3. The infrastructure performance recorded positive growth during the year 2012-13 (April- September) over the corresponding period of the previous year in various sectors such as power generation (4.8%), Production of coal(8.1%), Production of finished steel (2.0%), cement (7.4%), refinery (5.4%), up-gradation of Highway by NHAI (38.8%), goods traffic carried by Railways (4.8%), passengers handled at International terminals (2.6%) of the airports and net addition in switching capacity of telephone exchanges (59.1%). The negative growth over the performance with respect to the previous year was observed in some sectors namely fertilizers (6.0%), crude oil (0.7%) & natural gas (12.5%), & up-gradation of Highway by State PWD and Border Road Organisation(BRO) (9.3%), cargo handled at major ports (3.3%), Cargo handled at airport –[Export (1.6%) & import cargo (9.2%)] and passenger handled at domestic terminals of the airports (3.1%).

Recent Initiatives:

4. To facilitate resolving of various extraneous issues/bottlenecks such as land acquisition, encroachments, delay in issue of clearances and shifting of utilities, etc. Which are increasingly having a bearing on the implementation of Central Sector Projects, all States have been requested to constitute Central Sector Projects Coordination Committees under the Chief Secretaries in which concerned PSU s in the State, the concerned Departments of State Government and Agencies etc. are also represented.

5. Recognizing the importance of Project Management in the improving the project implementation, this Ministry is supporting various initiatives in promoting the Project Management discipline and training. Five-day training for public sector employees in project management is being organized by this Ministry once in each quarter. Over 200 executive have benefitted from it.

6. The Review meeting on the implementation of Projects in the state of Odisha have been taken up, by the Hon’ble Minister with the IOCL, RVNL, MCL & NHAI. The minute have been circulated for taking necessary action to all concerned.

7. Field visits to various project sites of JNPT, MbPT, NHAI & IOC etc. have been taken to understand the constraints and appropriate suggestion were made to resolve the same.

Twenty Point Programme (TPP)  1. The Twenty Point Programme (TPP) was launched by the Government of India in the year 1975 and has been restructured thrice in 1982, 1986 and again in 2006. The restructured programme, known as Twenty Point Programme (TPP) – 2006, became operational with effect from, 1st April, 2007. The TPP-06 is meant to give a thrust to schemes relating to poverty alleviation, employment generation in rural areas, housing, education, family welfare & health, protection of environment and many other schemes having a bearing on the quality of life, especially in the rural areas. The Twenty Point Programme (TPP) – 2006 consists of 20 points with 65 items which are monitored on annual basis. Out of the 65 items, 20 items are monitored on monthly basis also on the basis of progress report submitted by state Government. UT Administrations and concerned Central Nodal Ministries. Performance of 15 of the 20 items is monitored against pre-set targets which are fixed by concerned Central Nodal Ministries.

2. The Ministry releases a Monthly Progress Report (MPR) on implementation of monthly monitored items. During the financial year 2012, MPR’s have been released for the months of October, 2011 to September, 2012 respectively. In addition to MPR, an Annual Review Report on TPP- 2006 covering progress of implementation of all items during the year under TPP-2006 is also released. During 2012, Annual Review Report for 20010-11 has been released.

3. In order to strengthen the monitoring of the implementation framework of schemes/programmes covered under TPP-06 TPP Division of the Ministry has been mandated to undertake Monitoring and Impact Assessment Studies on selected programmes/schemes covered under TPP-2006. So far, the Ministry has undertaken two Impact Assessment Studies. First relates to impact of MGNREGA in 3 selected districts of North Eastern States namely Mon (Nagaland), , Saiha (Mizoram), Dhalai (Tripura), The second study related to rehabilitation of Disabled persons under Deendayal Disability Rehabilitation Scheme (DDRS) in the States of Delhi, Karanataka, Madhya Pradesh and West Bengal.

4. Twenty Point Programme was last revised in 2006 which came into operation in April 2007. Since then, the priorities of the Government have shifted from 10th Plan to 11th Plan to 12th Plan. Beside these the Government has taken initiatives in the form of “Bharat Nirman” and other Flagship Programmes. In order to accommodate these policy changes and thrusts, the Ministry has initiated a proposal to revamp the TPP.

5. Ministry of Statistics & PI also undertakes review meeting at National and State levels as part of monitoring and consultation mechanism. Two National Review Meeting of TPP-06 have been successfully held so far on 28.10.10 and 11.11.11 respectively. These review meeting are held to review the overall progress of schemes/programmes so to improve the implementation of schemes/ programmes covered under TPP. These meetings addressed the core issues with States Govts/UT Administrations and with concerned nodal Ministries viz. State –wise performance of programmes and Schemes covered under Twenty Point Programme , variation in reported performance figures by States/UTs and furnished by Central Nodal Ministries. Delay in reporting of monthly performance figures, Constitution of TPP Monitoring committees at State, District & Block levels and their meetings at regular interval, Target fixation approach taken by central nodal ministries, suggestions for revamping of TPP-2006, need for a single portal of TPP, difficulties faced by the implementing agencies in the implementation of schemes/programmes and suggestion for dropping obsolete schemes/programmes and inclusion of new schemes in view of the Bharat Nirman and new flagship programmes of Govt. of India

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