Sunday 19 August 2012

National Mission for Empowerment of Women


About the Mission

The National Mission for Empowerment of Women (NMEW) was launched by the Government of India on International Women’s Day in 2010 with the aim to strengthen overall processes that promote all-round development of women

It has the mandate to strengthen the inter-sector convergence; facilitate the process of coordinating all the women’s welfare and socio-economic development programmes across ministries and departments. The Mission aims to provide a single window service for all programmes run by the Government for Women under aegis of various Central Ministries.

In light with its mandate, the Mission has been named Mission Poorna Shakti, implying a vision for holistic empowerment of women.

The National Resource Centre for Women has been set up which functions as a national convergence centre for all schemes and programmes for women. It acts as a central repository of knowledge, information, research and data on all gender related issues and is the main body servicing the National and State Mission Authority.


Mission Statement

NMEW will achieve gender equality, and gender justice and holistic development of women through inter-sectoral convergence of programmes relating to women, forging synergy between various stakeholders and creating an enabling environment conducive to social change.

Focus areas of the Mission

Access to health, drinking water, sanitation and hygiene facilities for women

Coverage of all girls especially those belonging to vulnerable groups in schools from primary to class 12

Higher and Professional education for girls/women

Skill development, Micro credit, Vocational Training, Entrepreneurship, SHG development

Gender sensitization and dissemination of information

Taking steps to prevent crime against women and taking steps for a safe environment for women

Key Strategies

Facilitating inter-sector convergence of schemes meant for women, monitor and review the progress on regular basis

Strengthening institutional framework offering support service for women

At policy level commission research, evaluation studies, review schemes, programmes and legislation, do gender audit and outcome assessment to build the evidence for policy and programme reform and scale up implementation of the initiatives

Enhance economic empowerment of girls and women through skill development, micro credit, vocational training and entrepreneurship and SHG development

Evolve with the support of community representatives and groups appropriate and localized communication to strengthen public education on gender, behavior change and social mobilization using 360 degree approach on media and communication

Convergence Model

The CONVERGENCE MODEL is a project to test a model of delivery for convergent implementation of programmes intended for welfare and development of women. It has been originally intended to test this model in 30 districts spanning all states and UTs (Except Delhi), covering 640 identified villages. The model would include introduction of convergence cum facilitation centers at the district (few urban agglomerations), tehsil / ward and village/ area levels. The existing structural arrangements of participating departments wherever available shall be used and the PRIs shall be used as far as possible. The women centre at the village level, the first point of contact for women will be known as the POORNA SHAKTI KENDRA (PSK).

The Poorna Shakti Kendra (PSK) is the point of focal point action on ground through which the services to grassroots women would be facilitated. Village coordinators at the Kendras would reach out to the women with the motto "HUM SUNENGE NAARI KI BAAT!"

What the Kendra can offer?

Information on all the government schemes/services/programmes for women

Maintain a database of target population

Awareness generation on legal rights and entitlements

Facilitate the availability and access to government schemes/services/programmes across health, education and livelihood sectors

Training and capacity building on various issues like leadership, legal rights etc.

Organize women into collectives to access various resources

Coordinate the outreach of services of various departments

Schemes & Programmes

Poverty Alleviation and Economic Empowerment of Women

Assistance to States for Feed and Fodder Development
Schemes of Department of Animal Husbandry Dairying Fisheries
Scheme on Development of Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture
Scheme on Development of Marine Fisheries, Infrastructure and Post harvest Operations
Scheme on Fisheries Training and Extension
Assistance to Cooperatives
National Bamboo Mission
Central Poultry Development Organisation
Development of Commercial Horticulture through Production and Post-Harvest Management
Promotion and Strengthening of Agricultural Mechanization through Training, Testing & Demonstration
Gramin Bhandaran Yojna
Capacity Building to enhance Competitiveness of Indian Agriculture and Registration of Organic Products
Technology Development and Transfer for Promotion of Horticulture
Marketing Assistance Scheme
Scheme of Support to Voluntary Agencies for Adult Education and Skill Development
Scheme of Fund for Regeneration of Traditional Industries (SFURTI)
Performance & Credit Rating Scheme for Small Industries
Entrepreneurship Development Institutions (EDIs) Scheme
National Award Scheme/ Guidelines [Launched by Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprise (MSME)]
Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme (CLCSS) for Technology Up gradation of the Small Scale Industries
Management Training Programmes
Scheme For Market Development Assistance For MSME Exporters
Credit Guarantee Cover Fund Scheme for Small Industries
Rajiv Gandhi Udyami Mitra Yojana (RGUMY)
Raw Material Assistance Scheme
Bamboo Cultivation
Organic Farming
Swarnajayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY)
Mushroom Farming
Scheme of Financial Assistance for Preparing Young Professional in Rural Areas
Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme
Pottery Technology
Technopreneur Promotion Programme
Consultancy Promotion Programme
Technology Development & Utilization Programme for Women
Industrial R&D Promotion Programme (IRDPP)
National Backward Classes Finance and Development Corporation
National Scheduled Castes Finance & Development Corporation
Marketing and Export Promotion Scheme
Grant in Aid Scheme - Export
Diversified Handloom Development Scheme (DHDS)
Grant in Aid Scheme - Ambedkar Hastshilp Vikas Yojna
Jute Manufactures Development Council Schemes
Scheme for Integrated Textile Parks
Grant in Aid Scheme - HRD Scheme
Technology Up gradation Fund Scheme
Technology Up gradation Fund Scheme (Handloom Sector)
Dairy/Poultry Venture Capital Fund
Assistance to Cooperatives Scheme
Strengthening Infrastructure for Quality & Clean Milk Production
Rajiv Gandhi National Creche Scheme
Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC)
National Rural Drinking Water Programme
Mid Day Meal
Kishori Shakti Yogana
Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS)
Antyodaya Anna Yojna (AAY)
Old and Infirm Persons Annapurna
National Iodine Deficiency Disorders Control Programme (NIDDCP)
Nutrition Education and Extension
Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana(RSBY)
Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Yojana (IGMSY) - A Conditional Maternity Benefit Scheme
Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent Girls (RGSEAG) Sabla
Scheme for Working Women Hostel
Short Stay Home For Women and Girls (SSH)
STEP (Support to Training and Employment Programme for Women)

Social Empowerment And Education

Integrated Child Protection Scheme
Elementary Education
Secondary Education
Vocationalization of Secondary Education
Adult Education
Higher and Technical Education

Health & Nutrition

Integrated Child Development Scheme
Reproductive & Child Health Programme, Ph.II (RCH II)
National Rural Health Mission
Janani Suraksha Yojana
Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Yojana (IGMSY)
Integrated Child Protection Scheme
Rajiv Gandhi National Creche Scheme
Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC)
National Rural Drinking Water Programme
Mid Day Meal
Kishori Shakti Yogana
Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS)
Antyodaya Anna Yojna (AAY)
Old and Infirm Persons Annapurna
Food Security Mission
National Iodine Deficiency Disorders Control Programme (NIDDCP)
Nutrition Education and Extension
Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana(RSBY)
Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan

Empowerment of Vulnerable and Marginalized Groups and Women in Difficult Circumstances

Schemes of National Scheduled Tribes Finance and development Corporation (NSTFDC)
Integrated Child Protection Scheme
Swadhar - A scheme for Women in Difficult Circumstances
Ujjawala- A Scheme for Prevention of Trafficking and Rescue, Rehabilitation and Reintegration
Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Yojana (IGMSY) - A Conditional Maternity Benefit Scheme
Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent Girls (RGSEAG) Sabla
Swayam Siddha 
Scheme for Working Women Hostel
STEP (Support to Training and Employment Programme for Women)
Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana
Indira Awaas Yojana (IAY)
Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA)

Gram Samanvayak officers in Gram Panchayats

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