INS Arihant (S-73) is the lead ship of India's Arihant class of nuclear-powered submarines. The 5,000–6,000 tonne vessel was built under the Advanced Technology Vessel (ATV) project at the Ship Building Centre in Visakhapatnam.
The symbolic launch ceremony for the Arihant was held on 26 July 2009, the anniversary of Vijay Diwas (Kargil War Victory Day). The name of the vessel, Arihant is in Sanskrit and literally translates into destroyer of enemies. The completion of the INS Arihant will make India one of six countries in the world with the ability to design, build, and operate its own nuclear submarines.
The INS Arihant is to be the first of the expected five in the class of submarines designed and constructed as a part of the Indian Navy's secretive Advanced Technology Vessel (ATV) Project. The submarine is reported to be similar to the Russian Charlie-II class submarine, which India leased from the Soviet Union between 1988 and 1991. Arihant will be more of "a technology demonstrator", rather than a fully operational SSBN according to Admiral Verma.
The vessel will be powered by an 80 MW pessurized water reactor with enriched uranium fuel.[5] A land-based prototype of the reactor was first built at Kalpakkam and made operational in September 2006. Successful operation over a period of three years yielded the data that enabled the production version for Arihant. It was reported that a 80MW nuclear reactor was integrated into the hull of the ATV in January 2008.
The hull for the vessel was built by L&T's Hazira shipbuilding facility. Tata Power built the control systems for the submarine. The systems for the steam turbine integrated with the reactor are supplied by Walchandnagar Industries
India develops SLBM for INS Arihant
Pumping itself up in the elite club of nations, India has successfully developed its first submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) for the indigenous nuclear submarine 'INS Arihant'.
The SLBM, which can be launched from Arihant, has been developed successfully, sources said here.
The development of the underwater-launched ballistic missile will help India in completing its nuclear triad under which now it will have the option to strike from air, land and under the sea.
At present, very few countries including the US, Russia, France, China and the UK have the capability to carry out submarine-based ballistic missile strikes.
Specifications with regard to the Indian missile were not immediately known but its strike range is believed to be around 700 kms.
INS Chakra
The INS Chakra is a 8,140-tonne (8,010-long-ton) Project 971(or Project 518) Akula class submarine (NATO: Akula II) type nuclear-powered attack submarine. Construction was started in 1993, but suspended due to lack of funding. It was launched as the K-152 Nerpa in October 2008 and entered service with the Russian Navy in late 2009. The submarine was leased to the Indian Navy in 2011 and was formally commissioned into service as the INS Chakra II at a ceremony in Visakhapatnam on 4 April, 2012. The INS Chakra joins the Eastern Naval Command at Vishakhapatnam.
While K-152 Nerpa was undergoing sea trials in the Sea of Japan on 8 November 2008, an accident caused the deaths of some twenty sailors and injury to twenty-one others. A fire suppression system discharged gas in the bow of the sub, suffocating civilian specialists and navy crew members.
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