Saturday 18 August 2012

Programme for Prevention of Drug use in Educational Institution

Central Board of Secondary Education under the Department of Elementary Education and Literacy is implementing the Adolescence Education Programme at secondary level from class IX onwards as part of the co-curricular activities in schools affiliated to it. The programme includes sensitizing the students regarding the ill-effects of substance abuse and its consequences. As preventive measures, students are also given proper knowledge, information and guidance by the trained nodal teachers on such issues. The Board also issues circulars from time to time drawing attention of the schools to create awareness amongst the students regarding the harmful effects of drug abuse.

Besides, the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, in collaboration with the National Bal Bhawan, has undertaken awareness generation programme about the ill-effects of alcoholism and drug abuse amongst the children of the age group of 12 to 16 years through the affiliated Bal Bhawans and Bal Kendras across the country through a series of activities like poster making, creative writing, lecture, rally, nukkad natak etc at local, zonal and national level.

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